
Welcome to the website of Petlers – over 10 years of experience and specialist knowledge in the field of pet food manufacturing. We produce superior premium quality bird, dog, cat and fish food – food that is simply good for your pets. Anyone who opts for the Petlers brand receives “Petfood with passion”. We work every day to fulfill the desire for variety and exciting products.

People’s quality demands on balanced complete food for their pets are high, which is why we select our raw materials specifically to meet the high requirements. A mixture of different highly digestible protein carriers ensures a balanced protein and amino acid supply for birds, dogs, cats and fish. Optimal care for the pets is ensured by following the nutritional recommendations of the Nutritional Guidelines.

Our production – the “how” is decisive

The highest level of care and quality is a matter of course for us. The processing of the valuable raw materials for a high-quality pet food product requires the greatest care. That is why our quality thinking begins with the selection of raw materials and packaging materials . We consider important aspects such as avoiding environmental pollution before we buy material and start production.

With just-in-time deliveries and intelligent process control – in which we also include our suppliers – we can avoid unnecessary environmental pollution and at the same time increase our product quality .


Market research

For the success of our products, it is important that our target group – pets – is convinced of our products. To this end, we work with independent market research institutes. Preferences are determined through feeding tests in defined households. This is a product developer’s most important tool. What is developed in the food industry with the help of sensory methods is checked in the pet food industry using so-called acceptance tests. The statistical evaluation of the test results leads to a collection of representative and significant test results in our database. This enables us to build up know-how and identify potential for mprovement.

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